
  • Webmail
  • Webmail (support Chinese)
  • E-mail account(s) management
  • Menu: Management    Webmail
    Thank you for using our mail service

  • 注意:
    1) 新開帳戶大約10 - 20分鐘才生效.
    2) 如發現在主旨未標有"+++++Trash+++++"的垃圾郵件,請轉發到spam@ns.newsbook.net,以便我們系統下次過濾.

  • Notice :
    1) New account will be active on 10 - 20 minutes after created.
    2) When you found junk mail entited with words "+++++Trash+++++", please forward it to spam@ns.newsbook.net for our system updated.